Adulting 101

Adjusting to a new phase of life can be rife with anxiety, insecurity, frustration, disorientation and depression. You are grieving the person you were and the life you left behind, in favor of an unfamiliar world. It may feel like there is no guarantee that the thoughts, relationships and decisions you make will lead to a life of purpose and meaning.

Would This Help Me?

Freud said that “love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness,” so what do you do if both look bleak? In treatment, we use this humanness to work through the distress towards internal fulfillment. In our emerging adulthood therapy, you learn to foster healthy social connections, process emotional stressors, improve coping skills, examine individuating issues and work through phase of life conflicts.

What Happens in Session?

Treatment draws upon positive psychology, self-compassion and empowerment strategies. Our clinicians help you uncover your core beliefs, strengthen your authentic sense of self, and create healthy cognitive patterns. No one hands you the keys to adulthood, so we help you unlock the skills and techniques for an easy entry into this next phase of life.

Solidifying Your Identity

Professional Purpose

Emotional Fulfillment

Healthy Individuation

Intimacy and Romantic Pursuits

Specialized Treatment Focuses: