
Understanding Anxiety

Humans are wired to experience anxiety. There are times when it can be constructive by keeping alerting us to threats and motivating us to seek safety, however, the worries can also get out of control. When you cannot turn off the intrusive thoughts, or they come on without warning and last too long, it becomes a distracting disruption in your life.

Would This Help Me?

Don’t listen to the people to tell you to “just relax,” that advice rarely seems to help the problem. Instead, we prefer to combat anxiety using our researched-backed treatment approach. We work to identify the underlying causes of the anxiety, then explore triggers, and introduce tools to help your flourish outside the treatment room

How Does Anxiety Present?

Anxiety symptoms can be experienced in both your mind and in your body. They range in severity from chronic worrying to panic disorders. You may feel overwhelmed or self-conscious in casual social situations or phobic to the point of avoiding specific stressors like transportation, germs, bugs or needles. Some of our patients describe trouble falling asleep, or feeling overcome with dread. Often these thoughts are coupled with sweating, clammy hands, racing pulse or panic attacks.

Anxiety disorders



Obsessive-compulsive rituals

Social fears

Financial stress

Sunday scarries

Specialized Treatment Focuses: