“Happiness is achieved through knowing your true self and acting in accordance with your authentic values”


We Hear You

If you are struggling with your mental health, you are not alone. Our compassionate and non-judgmental treatment team will help you examine your underlying emotions and unpack the issues that disrupt your psychological wellbeing. We work collaboratively with you to uncover your most authentic self, so you can make decision that gratify your genuine needs.

What We Do

Our approach is a hybrid of psychodynamic psychotherapy, CBT and positive psychology.

We collaborate with our patients in meaningful conversation for mind health + emotional wellness

Who We Are

A warm, compassionate and insightful practice dedicated to helping our patients connect with their most authentic selves and enrich their mental health.

Our Services


Areas of Specialty

Let’s Talk…


Experiencing anxiety, ambivalence, or dissatisfaction with your life, does not mean you are forced to suffer with these feelings forever. My team and I are committed to examining these emotions, unpacking the underlying issues and helping you find some relief.
We are a full-service psychotherapy group, dedicated to helping you alleviate your suffering and develop tools to flourish in a meaningful life.
Aristotle believed that happiness is achieved through knowing your true self and acting in accordance with your virtues. Through our work together, we will identify these qualities and help you feel more resilient in the face of adversity.
In addition to treating your mental health, we will focus on helping you improve your emotional state, find more meaning in life, and fulfill your potential. By learning to understand yourself we can help you best get your needs met, find purpose and achieve greater life fulfillment.

What’s On Your Mind?

Let’s Connect